After talking to many dental clinics, we have noticed a great need for a simple and sustainable solution to digitize impression taking.

We present a simple and free alternative. We lend Trios scanners to clinics with installation, training and premium support included.

Dentists are offered many different solutions when installing a scanner in their clinic. One common route is to finance their own intraoral scanner which can sometimes be a difficult choice given the many brands and types of machines offered on the market. Another common solution is for a scanner financed by a supplier, sometimes with complex and unfavorable contracts, to be placed in the clinic. This business model makes dental technology more expensive and the contracts lock the clinics in for years to come. Ultimately, it is the clinic that finances the scanner through the increased cost of dental technology. 

It is against this background that we have developed a simple and free alternative. Dental clinics that are prolific in dental work can avoid complex contracts and hidden costs. 

- After talking to many dental clinics, we have noticed that there is a great need for a simple, good and sustainable solution to digitize the clinics, says Michael Kalpakidis, CEO of Tumba Dental AB.

How does it work? Well, the dental clinic contacts us for an unbiased discussion. Together we come up with a business model adapted to the clinic's specific needs and conditions. 

- "The dental prices are not what will finance the scanner, it is the lab's cost savings in efficiency that will pay for it," says Michael Kalpakidis. 

We also offer affordable alternatives to the free scanner if the dentist does not currently have enough dental work to justify the scanner. 

Do not hesitate to contact us, we have many solutions that can fit your clinic!

Michael Kalpakidis, CEO of Tumba Dental